Inclusivity Poster


A poster designed to translate the meaning of my personal “calling intention,” which is a question that drives my creative direction as a designer and artist.

My “calling intention”:

How can I encourage human inclusivity in our society in order to promote self love?

I strongly believe in the inclusivity of all types of people, no matter their gender, sexuality, appearance, etc. The goal of this poster was to emphasize this by bringing together different types of facial features, such as skin tones, unique skin marks, and hair, to create one face.

For Reference:

Senior Project 2: Discovering the relationship between design and human experience

Prompt: Visualize a highly abstract idea that source from your growing awareness of the deeper aspects of yourself in your own personal voice by exploring design elements, typography and diverse processes:
Ex: drawing, photography, xerography, abstraction, typography, collage, textures, sculpture, different types of materials: paper, fabric, vellum, cardboard, metal, wood, foil...

Details about this project can be found in the Senior Project Process Journal.


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